Trainings » Apollo’s analysis of causes method
Duration: 2 days (16 hours)
Provide a structured methodology for definition, analysis and implementation of effective actions to eliminate events / issues. this method was developed to address issues related to work safety and is quite interesting as it prevents analysis of the problems are conducted in a superficial way.
Why investigate accidents and incidents;
Loss control;
Investigation process;
Investigation process stages – General process;
Building investigation team;
Collecting evidence – evaluating the task/ materials/environmental conditions/management;
Group analysis – premise;
Incident investigation – step by step;
Apollo’s root cause analysis – concepts;
Inefficiency factors for the solution of problems;
Single reality – illusory factor;
Problems evaluation;
Differences among tell history and handle events;
Apollo’s root cause analysis – methodology;
Root cause process analysis;
Problem definition;
Principles of cause and effect;
Apollo’s root cause analysis – diagram;
Apollo’s cause and effect flowchart;
Proposing solutions and reporting;
Prerequisites: There is not.